Hello and Welcome!
My name is Andrew Weymouth and I am the liaison librarian for College of Agricultural & Life Sciences and the Digital Initiatives Librarian at U of I. Please always feel free to reach out about any library resources I’ll be discussing in this workshop at aweymouth@uidaho.edu! Also:
Library Reference
If you have any more general questions about using the library, finding resources for research papers and projects, creating effective research strategies, and managing citations:
Visit Email Call 208-885-6584 24/7 Chat Text 208-449-0841What is This Website for?
This site was created for students enrolled in Animal and Veterinary Science 463 Growth and Lactation class. This is in support of an assignment requiring identifying a topic for debate and gathering research information, such as consumer’s perception of the subject as well as scientific-based knowledge, that either supports or refutes the issue. Possible topics include:
- Use of bST (growth hormone) to increase milk production
- Low-fat vs. whole milk consumption
- Organic vs. conventional farming
- Consumption of animal milk vs. plant-based milk
- Antibiotic use on farm
- Consumption of pasteurized milk vs. raw milk
- Contribution of dairy industry to greenhouse gases
- Separation of dairy cow from calf
Learning Outcomes
After reviewing the contents of this guide, you will be able to:
- Apply Boolean logic to searches
- Select journals and databases for research in dairy science
- Find popular and scholarly sources on chosen topic
- Evaluate and revise search strategies based on search results
Author: CC BY-SA Hanwen Dong, Andrew Weymouth 2023 (get source code).
Contributors: Jylisa Doney, Evan Will.