When conducting college-level research, there is a general process to follow:

Research Process
  1. Select topic
  2. Use Boolean logic to expand or narrow key concepts or keywords
  3. Select a database
  4. Conduct searches
  5. Evaluate and revise the search strategy
  6. Choose items and find full-text online or in print

Typically, you want to choose a topic you are somewhat familiar with or interested in researching. To get more information and ideas on topics, use Google, or Wikipedia. Note that you can’t cite a Wikipedia article or most websites from a Google search. You can, however, find some keywords that you can use or some peer-reviewed literature (references at the bottom of a Wikipedia article, for instance) and other linked sources to gray literature and scholarly literature.

What are the differences among popular, scholarly, and gray literature? Below are the characteristics of each source that can help you differentiate from others:

Now let’s talk about Boolean logic.

Boolean Logic

Boolean logic uses Boolean operators (such as AND, OR, NOT) to narrow, expand, or define a search, and is applicable to conducting searches in library catalog and most databases. Writing out your search terms using Boolean operators by connecting pieces of information and coming up with synonyms is a good exercise as it can show wanted results and filter out unrelated results. Below are some of the advanced searching techniques including Boolean operators you can use:

Boolean Operator Explanation Example
AND Each result contains all search terms Zinc AND cold
OR Each result contains at least one search term energy OR fatique OR weakness
" " Results must include search terms in the defined order "iron deficiency anemia"
NOT Results do not contain the specified terms B6 NOT B12
* Results can include search terms with different endings of the root word depress* [for depression, depressive, depressed, etc.]
? Results include words with alternative spellings an?emia [for anemia or anaemia]
( ) Results include the phrase with the order of relationships organized "iron deficiency anemia" AND (growth OR development)