Hello and Welcome!
My name is Hanwen Dong and I am the liaison librarian for College of Agricultural & Life Sciences. I welcome you to contact me or the library to ask for help.
Hanwen Dong
Contact me if you have any questions about this website or finding resources related to common food in the U.S.
Email Call 208-885-2515 Schedule Appointment
Library Reference
Contact the library if you have any questions about using the library, finding resources for research papers and projects, creating effective research strategies, managing citations, etc.
Email Call 208-885-6584 24/7 Chat Text 208-449-0841
What is This Website for?
I created this website for students enrolled in SOIL 210 Food Systems and Healthy Lifestyles class. The assignment requires finding information sources on a common food in the U.S in terms of the historical production practices, economics, consumer acceptance, etc. The list of foods include:
- Banana
- Coffee
- Sugar
- Chicken – packaged not whole
- Avocados
- Vegetable oil or Crisco
- Milk
Learning Outcomes
After reviewing the contents of this guide, you will be able to:
- Apply Boolean logic to search strategy
- Select journals and databases for research in agriculture/food science
- Find popular and scholarly sources on chosen topic
- Evaluate and revise search strategy based on search results
Author: CC BY-SA Hanwen Dong 2021 (get source code).
Contributors: Jeremy Kenyon, Evan Will.