Author: | Jun Sasaki |
Year: | 2011 |
Players: | 5+ |
Time: | 20 min |
Mechanics: | Hidden Roles, Line Drawing, Targeted Clues |
エセ芸術家ニューヨークへ行く – which is pronounced as “Ese Geijutsuka New York e Iku” and can be translated as Fake Artist Goes to New York – is a party game for 5-10 players. Players take turns being the Question Master, whose role is to set a category, write a word within that category on dry erase cards, and hand those out to other players as artists. At the same time, one player will have only an “X” written on his card: they are the fake artist!
Players will then go around the table twice, drawing one contiguous stroke each on a paper to draw the word established by the Question Master, then guess who the fake artist is. If the fake artist is not caught, both the fake artist and the Question Master earn points; if the fake artist is caught and cannot guess what the word is, the artists earn points.
There are 3 roles in this game. The aim of this game is to be the first player to earn 5 points. However the method differs in each role.
- Log in to the site
- Enter a player name
- Roles are assigned randomly: 1 Question Master, 1 Fake Artist, rest are Artists
- Players decide who will be the question master (QM) for the first round. The remaining players will be the artists. The Question Master picks up the same number of title cards as artists.
- The Question Master must choose a category and announce it to the artists. Then, on the back of the title cards, the QM writes an “X” on one card and a title based on the category on the remaining cards. Category examples: Animals, Vehicles, Fruits, etc..
- The Question Master shuffles the title cards and places one in front of each artist. Each artist turns over their card but shouldn’t reveal the subject. The person who turns over the “X” is the fake artist. The Question Master should remember the color of the card with the “X”.
- Artists then select a color marker. The question master decides who makes the first mark. Moving clockwise each artist makes a mark to create the masterpiece. This continues for two rounds.
- After the 2nd round, the QM will count down from 3. The artists must then point to who they believe is the fake artist.
- The fake artist must reveal their identity if the fake artist has be pointed to the most. They then must say the correct title of the final artwork in order to earn points.


The first player to earn 5 points is the winner.